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LGBT love as Anarchy! We believe that it is our inalienable right to love lavishly, joyfully, wildly and with total abandon. As human beings we were all born with this right regardless if the constitution recognizes it or not. We believe in social justice for all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lying in Wait Charge Added for McInerney Arraignment

Ventura, CA. Prosecutor Maeve Fox asked for and was granted an additional charge of lying in wait to the charges of pre-meditated murder, using a firearm to commit bodily harm, and a hate crime in the case of Brandon McInerney who shot Lawrence 'Larry' King on Feb 12th, 2008 as he sat in computer class at E.O. Green middle School. 
The final witness at the preliminary hearing was Detective Dan Swanson a gang and white supremest/skinhead expert. He did an evaluation of materials taken from McInerney's backpack and bedroom in his home that indicated McInerney had been indoctrinated into the neo-nazi,or skinhead philosophy. evidence included several drawings of Nazi Hitler Youth logo, a Swastika behind a hand that was crushing a Star of David with what appeared to be drops of blood dripping from it, as well as a Swastika inside a winged heart.
During several hours of testimony Detective Swanson gave extensive details about the history of Nazism and it's many incarnations today. 
McInerney had also repeatedly doodled "SSL" and "Nardcore" several times. SSL is Siverstrand Surf Locals and NardCore is a remnent of the Oxnard punk movement. He testified that it is known that some of the SSL's have ties to Skinhead/neo-nazi groups.
It was also revealed that Brandon spent the night, on the weekend prior to the shooting with an avowed white supremest adult who lives in Silverstand with his girlfriend.

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